Bruce Maguire and his lovely companion, Tracy Parsons, visited HG/BSK some days ago (Read the post about that happy occasion). And, on Sunday another jolly reunion. Donald Kitchen and enchanting wife, Susan, arrived at HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI. for a luncheon get together. Donald was a Gerald Freeman, Inc. (name changed to Freeman Public Relations) trainee after he spent some years in the Middle East. A Columbia U. dean (friend of HG’s) recommended him. A happy hire. A brilliant, engaging fellow. He became a partner when HG sold the company to his executives. Donald soon left and founded his own PR firm in Manhattan. (married Susan at that time). As anticipated, the company was super successful before he sold it to his employees and went on to pursue other interests. These included a trip around the world on his seagoing sailboat (he is a world class sailor). On land (his home is in Rochester, NY) he made elegant classic furniture and he and Susan tended sugar maple trees (don’t know where the grove is–upper New York State or elsewhere). Don is a true Renaissance man. BSK’s luncheon was much enjoyed–whitefish salad, halibut salad, BSK’s “Green Soup” (recipe promised); ginger snap cookies and coffee. Spirited conversation and memories. Coincidentally, Don and Susan brought a gift of smoked salmon and whitefish salad. Obviously, we have similar tastes. Don and Susan are avid cyclists and have had long journeys on their bikes (both are very fit and trim). In June they will be cycling in Nova Scotia. Luckily, they will ferry to Prince Edward Island and check in with summering HG/BSK. Seafood and joy await before they bike the Island.
Donald and Susan
May 3rd, 2024 § 0 comments
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