HG, for the last eight months, has been recovering from a broken hip and two surgeries. So, BSK had more than a score of duties to help the old guy heal and get mobile. HG has been in character–irascible, impatient and loud. BSK deserves beatification. With BSK’s 24 hour/seven day aid, HG has made admirable progress. BSK deserves a vacation filled with art, splendid food and history. Thus. BSK took off today to the lovely Italian city of Padua–close to Venice. BSK will be met by beautiful, brilliant granddaughter Sofia (Sofia has been living in Padua while absorbed in her post graduate scholarly pursuits). BSK’s absence saddens HG. But, there’s a silver lining. Gifted daughter Lesley R. has moved into HG/BSK’s Central Falls loft to watch over HG. And, to add luster to the silver lining, Lesley and granddaughter Arianna (in Rhody for a brief family visit) brought a Chinese feast from Chengdu Taste Chinese Restaurant for dinner. We all clinked wine glasses as we wished BSK a joyous time in Padua and Venice. Yes, there are few things better than having Lesley as a live in companion.
Sadness. But, Silver Lining.
March 11th, 2024 § 0 comments
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