Yes, it started with BSK’s crisp and juicy spatchcocked chicken. HG was super pleased with the brown skin and juicy thigh. Generous BSK carved for HG a special taste treat: The wings. There was some breast leftover so BSK used her Asian cooking skills to make a steaming and comforting pot of Pho, the admirable Vietnamese pot of broth, rice noodles, chicken and a melange of vegetables. Maybe not up to Saigon standards, but loved by HG. The one chicken BSK started with (a chunk of breast was leftover from the Pho) was used for dinner three: Chicken curry. In HG /BSK’s early years of marriage, BSK made it from a recipe published by the late Michael Field. It was creamy but lacked a robust flavor. This was solved by adding toppings of salted peanuts and crisp bacon. Last night’s curry was inspired by recipes from Vij, the famous Vancouver, B.C.restaurateur and chef. BSK added much fresh okra to BSK’s curry. This gave the curry needed crunch and flavor. Stupendous dinner. And, that was the end of the bird–just a few bones left.
Third Chicken Pleasure
February 5th, 2024 § 0 comments
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