B-r-r-r-r!!! Mighty cold in Central falls, RI. BSK beat the ice-covered parking area and the razor sharp winds with a pot of BSK’s fiery chili. No chopped beef in the freezer or refrigerator. Not to worry–BSK used ground pork. There were the usual additions to the meat—–chili powder, pinch of cayenne, chopped tomatoes, onion, garlic, masa flour (for thickening), etc. BSK insulted Texas chili purists by adding a can of red pinto beans. BSK never did this previously but BSK wanted a fiber rich, filling dish. Toppings were grated cheddar, chopped sweet onions, southwestern salsa. HG’s “Bowl o’ Red” warmed HG’s body and soul enabling HG to watch NFL playoff games with attention and pleasure.
Beating the Chills
January 26th, 2024 § 0 comments
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