Much joy in HG’s therapy room. BSK brought Toby, The Wonder Dog, for a visit. Recently groomed, Toby looked quite soigne with a fluffy fur pom-pom at the end of his tail. HG and Toby had an affectionate reunion. Many licks from Toby and the agile little fellow leapt into HG’s lap for cuddles. BSK, as usual, brought HG something very good to eat. HG thinks it was a chicken broth/rice/noodle soup. HG will check. Meanwhile, the Warren, RI, therapy center is well stocked with BSK good things—a smoothie, mac and cheese, Greek yogurt (plus maple syrup), soup. The love of HG’s life always pleases HG’s palate.
The Wonder Dog
October 16th, 2023 § 0 comments
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