There’s an old saying (French, possibly): When we think of the past we regret and when we think of the future we fear. True. That means the present is what we have. HG has voluminous regrets about HG’s past. However, the past is gone. “Swept into the dustbin of history” (Trotsky). Dear friend Rev.DeForrest “Buster” Soaries would always stress “Meantime” in his sermons. He would note that prayers would help his parishioners reach heaven, but that’s a long process. In the “Meantime” he called for direct action in terms of voting, community actions, jobs, housing, police activity, etc. Frightening future–Trump Fascism, climate warming, nuclear war. Italians put it this way when thinking about the fearful future: Life is short. The end is ugly and frightening, So, in the “Meantime” let’s have a good meal. Good meals and thoughtful care are among the many wonderful things BSK and Lesley R. do for old (and presently recuperating from surgery) HG. Though HG will be 94 in November, HG does little contemplating about the inevitable beyond hoping it will be swift and relatively painless. At this moment (2PM, Sept. 10), HG is writing and looking at the sea panorama from HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island home. HG has “Today”—and, it’s grand.
HG Has Today
September 13th, 2023 § 0 comments
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