Ten years ago, (Sept. 11, 2013–check the archive), HG posted an appreciation of a wonderful restaurant , Al Cooper’s (long closed). Located in New York’s Garment Center and catered to cloak-and-suiter big shots. Steaks and chops were superb (on a par with those served at Christ Cella’s–alas, also long closed). Since the customers were mainly Jewish ( An exception —Chrstian Dior and other French fashion luminaries ate at Cooper’s, their favorite Manhattan restaurant) there was gefilte fish and chopped liver on the menu. HG’s menu choice was a thick cut of tongue served with perfect creamed spinach and fiery mustard. (HG has consulted with visiting daughter, Victoria Freeman, owner with husband/chef Marc Meyer and a long time colleague of five lauded New York restaurants—Cookshop, Vic’s, Rosie’s, Shuka, Shukette. Vicki says that this tongue dish has disappeared from New York menus. Tongue in any form is a rarity). Sad. When HG craves tongue, HG eats lengua tacos served at many Mexican taco eateries. NYC lower east side Katz’s ships excellent tongue. Decades ago, HG and late Father, shared tongue on rye bread (much mustard) at the Tower Delicatessen on Kingsbridge Road, The Bronx. Father ordered a pastrami sandwich and a tongue sandwich. Father and son split them. Glory days for tongue and Jewish delis.
August 18th, 2023 § 0 comments
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