An indicator of a stable world: The Notre Dame football team opened the pigskin season by beating Navy in a blowout. In HG’s youth, Notre Dame always won. Joe Louis always won. FDR always won. The Democratic Party always won in New York City. Tattoos were sported by sailors and criminals. Tattoo on a woman? Only in the circus–tattooed woman was a “freak” (Like the sword swallower and The Fat Lady). Seasons were precise. There were four. Women wore girdles. Men wore fedoras. Skirts, sweaters and dresses were the staples of female costume. Only the daring or eccentric wore slacks. Folks dressed up for restaurant dining, the theater, plane flights, etc. Men had wardrobes full of ties–and wore them. All of this has gone as the USA (And the world has shattered). Some things are better now– women are empowered and respected; homosexuality is recognized, legalized and no longer treated as an abhorrent mental illness; relations with African -Americans have improved. The USA may be embracng fascism under the leadership of a criminal. Global warming and nuclear threats are frightening. However, Notre Dame won. There are still things you can depend on.
August 29th, 2023 § 0 comments
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