When HG/BSK lived in Montclair, NJ. many decades ago, HG’s breakfast was numerous cups of black coffee, Marlboro cigarettes. HG read the New York Times (pre computer days). HG commuted to HG’s New York office by express bus–destination Port Authority Bus Terminal. Upon arrival, HG consumed a juicy hot dog with sauerkraut at the Terminal’s lunch counter. (Bus ride sharpened appetite). When the office moved to New Jersey, HG stopped at the Garden State convenience store for a carton of their excellent cinnamon donuts–consumed at the office with more black coffee (And, more Marlboros, of course). Coffee-and-cigarettes was HG’s breakfast since age 14 (Had a late morning snack of a pizza slice). As you have surmised, this was not a healthy, nutritious start to the day. HG hasn’t smoked in 32 years. Thanks to BSK, HG has become addicted to super yummy, nutritious breakfasts. BSK lays out nine vitamins for HG and HG complements these with six obligatory medications. HG swallows them with a fabulous smoothie created by BSK (Ingredients include pears and strawberries). Pure goodness. Then HG takes over: Slices strawberries and adds them to a bowl with scoops of yogurt and a big splash of pure Canadian maple syrup. Beverages are water and cafe au lait. Reads the Times online. Hey, HG is 93 and wants more years–and the greedy guy wants more super breakfasts.
Healthy, Delicious Breakfast. At Last.
July 29th, 2023 § 0 comments
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