HG/BSK have a delightful furry and frisky member of the HG/BSK family. Cute mixed breed male, Toby is always referred to by HG as “Toby, The Wonder Dog.” And, pray tell, what makes Toby wondrous? HG is an old (93) rickety fellow. Yes, HG walks (mostly without a cane or walker). It often appears there’s the possibility of a fall . Not too likely since HG has had two tumbles in the last ten years. But, Toby is alert. If there’s a noise (dropped book, cane, nebulizer) Toby is at HG’s side in a flash barking loudly to summon help. Toby is so smart that if he thinks HG is shaky, he’s at HG’s side barking away. He’s HG’s trusty guardian. Top flight watchdog. If anyone approaches HG/BSK’s homes (Prince Edward Island and Rhode Island) he barks loudly and this alerts HG//BSK (Big bark from a little guy and this often scares delivery persons, workmen and friendly visitors). At bedtime, Toby sleeps at the foot of HG/BSK’s bed. He does some nocturnal wandering but usually winds up there. Toby is fond of HG but he loves, loves, loves BSK. He can’t get enough snuggles and pats from BSK as BSK murmurs “Good dog. Best little dog.” No need for an alarm clock. Between 8 and 8:30 Toby wakes up his beloved with affectionate licks. Given all of the wondrous Toby qualities HG has outlined in this post, one must agree that he deserves the label: ” The Wonder Dog.”
Wonder Dog
June 29th, 2023 § 0 comments
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