Grapefruit Bitters is a recent discovery. And, HG is in love with it. HG always has a Negroni before dinner (One part bourbon, one part sweet vermouth, one part Campari). These days, HG substitutes a generous sprinkle of Grapefrït Bitters for the Campari. Cuts the sweetness of the cocktail and gives it a bit of an acidic bite (Appetite enhancing). HG also uses the bitters with dry vermouth on the rocks (A gentle cocktail). This doesn’t mean HG neglects other bitters. Peychaud Bitters with brandy. Orange Bitters with dry white wine. Angostura Bitters with club soda. Yes, Bitters are a key element in creating a pleasant drinking life.
Grapefruit Bitters
June 4th, 2023 § 0 comments
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