Toby, the loving, lively, feisty, furry ornament of HG/BSK’s lives, is back to normal. Healthy and frisky. The little fellow came close to death a few days ago. Swift action by gifted daughter Lesley R. saved the dog’s life and prevented HG/BSK heartbreak. It happened this way: A Riverside, RI, neighbor had been tossing nuts into Lesley’s rear garden as treats for squirrels. Unfortunately, these rot and become toxic–fatal food for dogs. Always hungry Toby ate a toxic chestnut and began to tremble and shake. Lesley recognized the symptoms and, at top speed, rushed Toby to the veterinarian. Toby’s stomach was pumped and received other medical treatment. He spent the night at the vet’s and woke up as healthy as ever. (The vigorous shaking causes a dog’s life functions to disappear and the dog dies.) Lesley recognized this because her dog, Pip, had a similar experience after eating a moldy substance. Yes, Lesley is invaluable. A true life saver. Vet costs: $2,000. Money well spent.
Lucky Toby Lives
May 3rd, 2023 § 0 comments
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