That was the lament of HG/BSK’s live-in housekeeper when HG/BSK left HG/BSK’s Montclair home for a dinner party, restaurant meal, movie or play. HG/BSK now live in a spacious (Beautifully interior designed by BSK) loft in Central Falls, RI. BSK has been house and dog sitting in Riverside, RI, while gifted daughter, Lesley R. has joined her husband and daughter in Italy. So, HG is often (All Alone). Not sad, however. Much to keep HG occupied. Exercise. Reading. NBA playoffs (Yay, Lakers!!). Internet surfing. Neck massages. Meal preparation. Dinner last night was Rao’s tomato soup (HG likes Rao products). This was followed by two softly scrambled eggs cooked with feta cheese. Dessert? You guessed it. Gay Hussar inspired chestnut puree with whipped cream Many glasses of Argentine Malbec. HG misses BSK, the love of HG’s life. But, solitary living has some virtues. Nobody monitors the volume of HG’s pre_dinner Negronis.
“All Alone”
May 20th, 2023 § 0 comments
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