BSK believes in this old saying. There is no waste in BSK’s fridge, pantry or the room temperature fruit and vegetable basket on the kitchen island. Everything gets used in original and tasty ways. A few nights ago, BSK found semi cooked, unsauced pasta in the fridge plus many pieces of cheese (small pieces left over from cheese boards). Voila!! A flavor packed pot of mac and cheese (crusty topping). In a corner of the fridge, BSK spied a maturing eggplant. Borrowing a recipe from Vij’s, the Indian fusion restaurant in Vancouver, B.C., there was a fragrant eggplant curry served with rice. HG is joyous when HG sees leftover rice. That’s because BSK converts it into congee (enriched with abundant ginger, garlic and mushrooms). This is a favorite HG comfort food. HG had it for dinner last night and a bowl for breakfast today. BSK topped the breakfast bowl with a poached egg. Great way to start the day. Waste not, want not was obeyed.
Waste Not, Want Not
April 26th, 2023 § 0 comments
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