Joy!! Peter Hellman and his splendid wife of many years of marriage, Susan Cohen, are resident (for two days) in the guest room of HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, loft–they are HG/BSK’s first overnight guests. They gave the guest room a thumbs up for comfy sleeping. Peter is an old friend of HG/BSK. Peter met HG many decades ago when Peter was a journalist researching a real estate story for New York Magazine. HG was a publicist specializing in the real estate and construction industries. The result of the meeting was many news tips from HG (plus New York mag cover stories). Friendship ensued (and has been maintained). Susan has had a distinguished career as a New York City agency official. (HG has written about Peter before. Check Oct. 18, 2017 archive for brief profile and May 20, 2011 for a partial list of Hellman books.) Dinner was BSK’s special penne in broccoli sauce (An HG pasta fave). Much red wine, laughter and lively conversation. Peter and Susan didn’t arrive in Rhody empty handed. They brought a big bag of breads, cookies, pastries and sweets from a bakery in Mystic, Conn. A cornucopia of pleasure. Today (Saturday) they are off to the renowned RISD museum. There will be a dinner feast tonight (Gumbo) as HG/BSK’s daughter, Lesley R. and husband, Massimo, will be at the loft for dinner. Fun is anticipated.
Peter and Susan
March 9th, 2023 § 0 comments
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