One month ago, BSK cooked (from a NY Times recipe) a tasty tingling dish: “Paprika chicken with lentils, squash, yogurt and Daqua”. Headline on HG post: “NEW CHICKEN DISH.” Time for a repeat. No squash so BSK substituted sweet potato. Check Feb. 25, 2023 archive for recipe. You will know what mysterious “Daqua” is. Hint: It’s Egyptian. Happily, BSK made a double header amount of this chicken dish. HG/BSK will have ît for dinner again tonight. BSK is dog sitting so Toby, The Wonder Dog, and Pip, the gracious and super intelligent female, will be present. BSK will warn: “Gerald, don’t feed Toby from the table!!”.
Not New. Still Splendid
March 27th, 2023 § 0 comments
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