A Negroni is the best cocktail. Subtly sweet. Pungent. Sharpens appetite but doesn’t blunt. For years, HG favored a Martini as a pre-dinner joy. But, a Martini is a left hook to the jaw. A Negroni is an urgent caress. The late, great wit Dorothy Parker characterized the Martini perfectly: “One Martini. Two at most. Three Martinis, I’m under the host”. Indeed. The classic Negroni is one part gin, a lesser amount of sweet vermouth and a splash of Campari. Many drinkers substitute Scotch for the gin. Others substitute bourbon or rye whiskey. HG chooses bourbon. The Negroni is so good it leads to temptation.. HG once had three Negronis before dinner. Not as lethal as Martinis, but left HG quite thick tongued and tipsy. Beware. Pleasure can be overdone.
February 5th, 2023 § 0 comments
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