A joyous evening. Gifted daughter, Lesley R. and her husband, the distinguished Profesore Massimo R., were at HG/BSK’s Central Falls, RI, loft for the alternate weekend dinner. (Next weeked HG/BSK will sup at L. & M.’s Riverside home). They brought Toby, The Wonder Dog, and Pip. the Gentle Genius female dog. Tummy,rubs, frolics, pats. Happy,happy!! BSK made a big pot of gumbo.HG has noted that BSK gumbo is better than anything served in New Orleans. It is an appetizing dark color. A roux and sprinkles of File powder thicken the texture. It is full of chicken, shrimp, okra, and chorizo. Also chopped onions, garlic, celery, peppers. Outstanding. Even with second and third helpings, there was ample leftover. That means gumbo for dinner tonight plus lunch tomorrow.
Delicious Double (or Triple) Header
February 8th, 2023 § 0 comments
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