Consistent BSK

December 9th, 2022 § 0 comments

A restaurant authority (more famous than HG) has declared that the most important element in running a successful restaurant is consistency. Not easy to achieve but diners judge an eatery by the last meal they had there. The huge success of chain restaurants like Mcdonalds is the fact that they are super consistent. Diners get what they expect (HG fnds chain food inedible–Chipotle is the only exception). HG is very lucky to be living with BSK, the love of HG’s life (finger crossed, we’ll have our 60th wedding anniversary this summer). BSK’s virtues and talents are multitudinous. A “Wonder Woman” for real !!! BSK’a cuisine is consistent. Every dinner is delicious and comforting. Last night, there was linguine with sardine sauce. Excellent canned Portuguese sardines from Portugalia, (located in Fall River MA., this is a Portuguese version of Zabar’s, the New York emporium.) BSK enhanced the sauce with clam broth, olive oil, capers, garlic, fennel, onions, white wine, etc. Stupendous. As HG writes this post, HG awaits a bowl of grilled chicken feta sausages mixed with orzo and accompanied by sauteed tomatoes. Fortunate–and lucky–HG.

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