Flavorful Finale

August 30th, 2022 § 2 comments

HG/BSK are wistful. Gifted daughter Lesley R. and her brilliant husband, Massimo R., leave Prince Edward Island for their Rhode Island home tomorrow morning. So, tonight was the farewell meal. It was an extravaganza. Massimo shucked (with his usual perfection) eighteen briny, plump oysters. With white wine they were an auspicious entree. Wonders followed. First, there were mussels (removed from their shells) in a mustard mayonnaise. These were as good as the amuse bouche that HG enjoyed at the venerable Veau d’ Or restaurant on Manhattan’s midtown east side. (It’s still in business). This was followed by crisp russet potato and sweet potato wedges (they were dipped in a horse radish goodness). BSK fried hake to perfection and there was a succulent corn, pepper and tomato salad. Lovely way to say goodbye.

§ 2 Responses to Flavorful Finale"

  • Lauren says:

    Hello! I just found your site. I have been trying for decades to find the name of a Jewish bakery on Jerome Avenue in the Bronx. My mother worked at Montefiore Hospital in the 1960s-1970s and used to bring home Jewish corn bread (rye) from a bakery near the hospital. I would give anything to know about the bakery, even though I’m sure it’s been gone for many years. Any thoughts, or ideas as to who might know? THANK YOU! Best wishes, and stay well. Lauren

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