Scallops, a Sea Treasure

July 24th, 2022 § 0 comments

Yes, HG relishes scallops–the hearty sea scallops and the very hard to find Nantucket bay scallops (HG last tasted them many decades ago). BSK cooks many sea scallop dishes with BSK’s usual flair and creativity. BSK gently sautes them in olive oil so they are lightly browned and juicy. They are served over greens flavored with a lemon vinaigrette; in linguine with garlic, oil and parsley; in chowder mixed with cod and other ingredients. HG’s favorite is BSK’s version of shrimp and grits. (BSK substitutes scallops for shrimp). Marc Meyer, is a super chef and the husband (plus business partner) of HG’s Daughter, Vicki. (Their company owns and  runs five touted New York restaurants (Shukette, Shuka,Vic’s, Rosie’s and Cookshop). He is a very superior sea scallop cook and has served HG many memorable scallops at Cookshop. At present, Cookshop has sliced raw scallops on its summer menu.They are served in a mix of oranges, limes and pungent chili peppers. Sounds like a summer treat. HG/BSK recall a fabulous feast of Nantucket bay scallops when HG/BSK owned a house on that island. Their caretaker, a native Nantucketer whose family had lived there for many generations, had gone to Nantucket Bay in a fishing boat and returned with a bushel of bay scallops. Still in his fishing clothes, he shucked them outside his home. Lucky HG/BSK were invited. HG/BSK ate scores of fresh from the sea succulent, small morsels of heaven. Incomparable.

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