Chinese Food, Hooray!

October 24th, 2021 § 0 comments

HG/BSK’s thoughtful daughter, Lesley R., knows HG’s lust for Chinese food (real Chinese food, not Panda or P.F. Chang corn starch laden junk). No good Chinese restaurant in Santa Fe. Surprising in that gourmandizing city. So, when HG is visiting Lesley (and her brilliant husband, Massimo) in Rhode Island, Lesley makes sure HG has a Chinese extravaganza. There’s a good Chinese place in North Providence. Lesley picked up a feast there. Mapo Tofu (an HG fave); Szechuan sliced fish; garlic eggplant, dumplings (one order in chili oil and the other in a less assertive topping); pea tips; giant deep fried prawns (largest HG ever encountered). Oh, my!! HG heaven. Lots of steamed rice. Red wine. White wine. Dessert was a fabulous flan made by Lesley’s once-a-week housekeeper. Portuguese delight. HG is super lucky to have a Lesley daughter.

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