
September 27th, 2021 § 0 comments

“Schnorrer” is a very evocative Yiddish word. English equivalent might be “mooch.” HG prefers the Yiddish. Essentially, a “Schnorrer” is a person, uninvited, who manages to get things for free, primarily food, drink and housing. Ace housing schnorrer was Harold “Hal” D., a Fire Island friend. He would ask for a one night stay–but it stretched. At HG/BSK’s home, then in Montclair, NJ, his lodging stretched to two weeks before he was asked, forcefully, to leave. He thought that was unfair because he managed to get free meals at Chez HG/BSK. From HG’s New York days, HG recalls a champion schnorrer: A creative guy, he carried photo equipment and identified himself as an assistant to the photographer recording the event. This gave him access to the vast buffets at Jewish weddings, bar mitzvahs, etc. He managed to put away staggering amounts of smoked salmon, chopped liver, gefilte fish, sweetbreads in sauce, etc. Yes, those buffets were lavish. At BSK’s first visit to a Jewish buffet event, BSK ate baby lamb chops and slices of rare tenderloin (among many other delicacies). BSK was shocked at the loudspeaker instructions: “Ladies and Gentlemen. Please take your seats. Dinner is served.” “They must be joking,” exclaimed BSK. “Nope,” replied HG.

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