Improbable Trump Allies

November 6th, 2020 § 0 comments

As the count winds down for the future of America, HG thought about The NY Times report about the section of New York City whose population is 100% for fascist Trump. That is the community of Breezy Point in Queens (Breezy Point is close to the Atlantic and the Rockaway beaches). Inhabitants are mostly active and retired New York police and firefighters (Virtually all of Irish ancestry). More than seven decades ago, young HG and HG’s hardy companions would run from Rockaway Park to Rockaway Point (That’s what Breezy Point was called yesteryear). They were confronted by a large sign: A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY. The message was unequivocal: Jews, Stay Out !! (This was certainly in contradiction of New York Irish leaders like Mike Quill, Paul O’Dwyer, Ed Flynn, etc.).The Breezy point folks have found unlikely allies in their devotion to the vilest of American Presidents: The ultra-orthodox (mainly Hassidic) Jews of Williamsburg and other Brooklyn neighborhoods. They resent calls for wearing masks and other Covid-19 safety measures, considering them interference with their crowded synagogues and meeting halls. Not to worry. New York State is Biden territory.

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