Walker Walking

September 21st, 2020 § 0 comments

Another sunny, breezy day on serene and peaceful Prince Edward Island (so lucky to have an oceanfront home here). HG went for a long walk along the bluffs facing the sea and the shrub lined paths. Breathed much invigorating sea air. Signs of autumn are appearing. A few leaves have changed color and seasonal wildflowers –vivid blue Asters and colorful Goldenrod–have appeared. HG had a treat on a path–a cluster of super sweet, last of summer raspberries. There were also many purple/blackberries. HG couldn’t identify them (nor could BSK when HG later described them). Intrepid HG ate a few. Wonderfully sweet with many small seeds in the interior. They must be edible since HG has had no ill effects. Walking has been made easier for ancient HG with a thoughtful gift from BSK (always on the alert for things that make HG’s life better and healthier). The gift was a state of the art Walker (dubbed HG’s “Maserati” or “Ferrari” or “Lamborghini”). Makes HG’s strolls a pleasure rather than a labor.

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