Lush Improv

July 16th, 2020 § 0 comments

BSK last night improvised a delicious dinner of penne with a cheesy, creamy vegetable sauce. Had zucchini, garlic scapes, mint, cherry tomatoes, bacon, feta cheese and shallots on hand. Used all of the ingredients. BSK fried bacon until crisp and reserved the melted bacon fat. Added olive oil to the fat and made a flavorful sofrito of garlic scapes and shallots. When the sofrito ingredients had softened and mellowed, BSK added a bit more oil, sliced zucchini, salt and aleppo pepper (for heat and pungency) plus a handful of mint. Later, put in a generous amount of feta cheese which melted to give the dish creamy goodness. Mixed the crispy bacon bits with the al dente penne. Finally, the plates were topped with sliced cherry tomatoes (HG gave the HG portion a good shake of red pepper flakes). A lovely summer pasta with many levels of flavor. Viva, BSK!!!

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