More Busy BSK

April 4th, 2020 § 0 comments

HG forgot to mention, in a previous post, some additional BSK daily and weekly activities — HG heath: BSK monitors HG’s high blood pressure with frequent testing. BSK changes the batteries in HG’s hearing aids to ease HG’s balance and amplify conversation. Pool house: BSK keeps the pool’s water level at the appropriate depth and runs the fan at timely intervals to prevent undue condensation and resultant mold. BSK also waters the plants in the pool house. Sweeps up all debris and cleans pool-house bathroom and changing room. Night: BSK does the major part of after-dinner cleanup including scrubbing pots, etc. And this is after cooking and serving a splendid dinner. Following the cleanup, BSK finally relaxes while watching Netflix (current favorite is the “Longmire” series.) However, BSK’s tasks are not over. Rain, snow or cold, BSK is off outdoors with Toby, The Wonder Dog, for his before bedtime walk. Finally, BSK goes to sleep in a bed where BSK changes the sheets, pillowcases, etc. every Sunday.

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