Land of Enchantment. Bad and Then Lots of Good.

November 2nd, 2019 § 0 comments

So, HG/BSK are back in New Mexico. Sun is shining. The home compound looks great and HG/ BSK’s pond is clear and full of fish. Dear pal, Vicki B., has kept everything in tip top shape. After days of demanding driving BSK awoke early for a medical appointment. Guess what? BSK is greeted by a blizzard of thick snowflakes. Autos slip and slide as BSK drives to Santa Fe. Upon arrival, BSK gets the news that the appointment has been canceled due to a medical emergency. Okay, that’s the bad. Now the good. The blizzard ends abruptly after 40 minutes. Bright sun, dry air, high elevation (6,000 feet above sea level at HG/BSK’s home) makes the snow disappear totally. HG sunbathes and takes long swim in the HG/BSK pool house. BSK arrives home safely with good things to eat and drink. Colorful fire in the fireplace. Cold white wine for BSK. Vodka for HG. Music. Delicious dinner of steamed cod and Asian vegetables and noodles in pho broth. Let the good times roll, as they say in N’Awlins.

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