Wait! Wait! Wait!

June 14th, 2019 § 2 comments

As you readers may have ascertained, HG is not perfect. Close. But, not there yet (and time is running out). Perfection eludes because of a major character flaw: Impatience. Yes, it is impatience that makes HG an inferior cook (except for fried fish which only take a few minutes to cook). Impatience makes HG incompetent at solving puzzles, playing games, making even the most modest household repairs. In general, HG wants a hasty conclusion without the tedium of learning how to reach that conclusion. What causes this impatience? Growing up in a noisy, crowded Depression and wartime era New York? Working as a wire service journalist where a moment’s delay meant losing to a competitor? Don’t know. HG’s most maddening display of impatience comes when talking with others. Impatient HG has a tendency to interrupt BSK and finish BSK’s sentences. Makes BSK furious. “Can I finish a sentence, please?”, BSK implores. As the boss of a New York/New Jersey public relations firm, HG would often interrupt colleagues by shouting “Wait!! Wait!! Wait!!.” HG’s brilliant young protege, Bruce Maguire, once did a perfect imitation of HG at an office celebratory dinner. HG was in mid-sentence when Bruce bellowed “Wait!! Wait!! Wait!!.” Laughter followed. No longer a youngster, Bruce has far surpassed HG in his public relations career. Happily, Bruce and the enchanting Theresa T., will be visiting HG/BSK at their Prince Edward Island home this summer. They should arrive in a few weeks. HG can hardly wait!! wait!! wait!!

§ 2 Responses to Wait! Wait! Wait!"

  • C says:

    BSK furious? I think not, not ever.

  • Bruce Maguire says:

    Lured by “impatience,” a trait I share with my mentor, I was surprised to my mimicking “Wait! Wait! Wait!” At the time I thought they may have been the last words I spoke as a Freeman employee. 39 years later I’m still there. Theresa and I are so excited to visit BSK and HG…and to visit your sunset bathed island.

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