Healthy Comfort

April 4th, 2019 § 0 comments

Chilly New Mexico night. Bright sun during the day but temperature drops in the eve. HG desired a comforting dinner and that’s what HG got through the culinary mastery of BSK. “Comfort food” is usually fat filled, high carbo dishes. Health conscious BSK will have none of that. BSK knows how to combine low cal ingredients with judicious use of spices to create tasty dishes that satisfy. Witness BSK’s “green soup” that soothed and comforted HG last night as logs burned in the fireplace. BSK simmered spring onions, carrots, garlic, parsley, broccoli (florets and stems) and spinach in chicken stock. Grated lemon peel into the mix. Spices were nutmeg and cardamom. Salt and black pepper plus a dash of Aleppo pepper for some heat. All was smoothed into a puree with an immersion blender. The steaming bowls of green soup were adorned with swirls of Mexican crema (and a dusting of more Aleppo for HG). Ahhh!! Comfort, indeed. And, healthy.

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