Best Breakfast

September 9th, 2018 § 0 comments

Oh, sweet corn. In a world that seems to be embracing the divisive racism and nationalism of the 1930s one must retreat to simple pleasures — they help us keep a grip on sanity and mitigate the fury Der Trumperer brings us every day. Sweet corn is HG/BSK’s panacea and comforter. Yes, HG has been active heralding its culinary virtues in many posts. However, HG has confined corn comments to the dinner table. A few ears to begin the evening meal or ears to accompany fried fish or other excellent protein. Breakfast? No. HG usually begins the day with Greek yogurt and fresh fruit (blueberries, strawberries, peaches). Enlivened with Canadian maple syrup, of course. This morning HG opened the refrigerator and noticed ears of leftover corn nicely wrapped in plastic by BSK. Voila!! Corn pancakes. HG shaved the kernels from the cob and added them to a batter of pancake mix, milk, canola oil and beaten egg and a dash of baking powder. Fried the pancakes in HG’s trusty, ancient, seasoned cast-iron pan. Lush, crispy, corny goodness. Dabs of butter and splashes of maple syrup. Steaming coffee. Autumn whitecaps in the sea in front of HG/BSK’s Prince Edward Island oceanfront home. Canadian Broadcasting Company’s intelligent (and witty) news commentary on he radio. Life’s good in the northern democracy.

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