
August 24th, 2017 § 0 comments

BSK placed big bunches of organic dill (from the Charlottetown Farmers Market) on the kitchen counter. This spelled future culinary delights at HG/BSK’s oceanfront paradise on Prince Edward Island. First, BSK made many jars of pickles (mix of salt water, vinegar, much dill and garlic). Better than New York’s legendary Lower East Side pickles. Yes, Canadian BSK outdoes the Jewish pickle mavens. Then, in the morning BSK made soft and creamy scrambled eggs with chopped dill (a perfect dill and onions smoked salmon omelet is a future treat). As the days have rolled on (and the pickles matured) HG/BSK ate dilled yellow bean salad and PEI potatoes with sour cream and chopped dill. As the cliche has it, dill is a gift that keeps on giving.

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