Exquisite Fish From Exquisite Maiko

April 19th, 2017 § 0 comments

The diminutive stick of culinary dynamic, HG”s daughter-in-law Exquisite Maiko, is HG’s favorite chef (as noted, her hubby, SJ, is also a dab hand in the kitchen). EM has been delighting fans of her creative Japanese cooking at Brooklyn Smorgasburg, a recent pop up in Manhattan and other venues. But, it is at home that EM’s artistry shines. So, last night EM took over the Viking range in HG/BSK’s New Mexico kitchen and produced a succulent fish dinner. EM started by crisping garlic slices and seaweed in olive oil. Removed them to a paper towel. EM sautéed Petrale Sole in the flavored oil. When lightly browned, EM turned the heat to low and let the fish steam for a few minutes in sake and a dash of soy sauce. Put the fish on a warmed platter. Moistened the filets with the the sake-soy-oil in the pan. Dotted the dish with the crisp garlic slices and seaweed adornments. Accompanied it with highly sautéed and steamed bok choy, spinach and oyster mushrooms. It was a fish dinner whose taste will long linger in HG’s memory.

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