
August 20th, 2016 § 0 comments

HG grew up in New York. Studied in crowded classrooms. Rode in jammed subways. Career in journalism was based in noisy, typewriter clattering (pre computer days) city rooms. Ran a public relations company and interacted with some 30 demanding employees and scores of clients. HG’s later years have been spent in blessed quiet in Colorado, New Mexico and Prince Edward Island. Peace. HG has long had a taste for solitude. Has never known loneliness. HG has questioned why people are lonely when there are happy companions: Books, magazines, newspapers. Today, of course, most of the population seems glued to its phones. Too much electronic companionship, HG believes. Much as HG relishes the loving company of BSK, there are times when solitude is bliss. This was the case yesterday. BSK and Handsome Haru spent the day in Charlottetown for auto servicing, HH tennis lesson, and harness races plus dinner at Prince Edward Island’s Old Home Week celebration. HG (a sometime naturist in HG’s old age) spent the day alone on the beach, nude and sun kissed. Walked along the shore, swam in calm, warm waters; read back issues of New York Review of Books. Ended day with hot shower followed by rum and lime juice cocktails. Cellist Pierre Fournier on the CD player. Dinner was hamburgers on onion rolls plus black beans with rice, chopped onions, sour cream. Spoonfuls of pungent tomatillo salsa. Gahan’s Red Ale. Glad to see BSK and HH when they arrived home. Ended the perfect day by watching the incomparable Usain Bolt triumph in the 200 meter dash.


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