
September 2nd, 2015 § 0 comments

HG grew up amid crowds of people. Bronx streets and apartment houses were noisy and full of folks. Subway cars and trolleys were jammed. Education at De Witt Clinton High School (6,000 students) and City College of New York (24,000) was not a lonely experience. Journalism career centered around noisy newsrooms (clattering typewriters and teletype machines before the computer age). When the owner of a prospering public relations firm, HG had to deal with two dozen contentious (often neurotic) employees and colleagues. Given this background it should come as no surprise that HG often relishes a day of solitude. And, there is no better place to enjoy solitude than the beach in front of HG/BSK’s oceanfront home on the northeast shore of Prince Edward Island. HG’s family, respecting HG’s need to be alone, opt for a beach 200 yards west. Thus, HG has total privacy. Just HG, the gulls and ospreys. Yesterday, the sun shone and the sea was warm, crystal clear and calm. HG, a natural man, removed swim togs. Reclined in a back rest and basked the old, nude body. Read The Lay of the Land by Richard Ford. This the third of Ford’s fictional trilogy about the life and times of Frank Bascombe, a favorite HG character. (Book was Christmas gift from Lesley and Massimo R.) Superb writing. Wry and witty observations of contemporary American life. HG’s beach program: Thirty minutes of reading and then a 15-minute swim. After some five hours, HG showered in the outdoor enclave. Poured tequila, lime juice and orange bitters over ice. Drink in hand, HG was glad to see the family. Given the heat of day, HG had EM’s signature dish of sautéd sole with bok choy and garlic chips. A sprightly bean sprouts salad. Perfect conclusion to a perfect day.



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