Canadian Heaven

June 24th, 2014 § 1 comment

The HG/BSK Prince Edward Island home, perched on a bluff overlooking the endless Gulf of St. Lawrence, is oceanic heaven. More than 50 feet of windows and glass doors provide an ever-changing panorama of whitecaps and clouds tossed about by salty breezes. Sunsets are spectacular and, here in the north, they are long lasting (doesn’t get truly dark until about 10:30). Now in residence for the summer, HG/BSK are enjoying the sea level serenity (a change from the high altitude serenity HG/BSK experience in New Mexico). The local sea food store (By the Bay in the town of St. Peters) and BSK’s herb garden are providing taste treats. BSK’s crop of sorrel is abundant. That means sorrel soup plus grilled salmon nestled in sorrel sauce (BSK’s version of the soup and sauce is better than the over creamy stuff you get in Paris). HG/BSK have been steaming freshly caught cod and hake in Chinese sauces. Dinners have begun with a half dozen incomparable PEI oysters. Heaven, indeed.


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