Farm Raised Fish.

December 15th, 2011 § 2 comments

Farm raised salmon. Despicable. Farm raised bass. Nasty. Haven’t tasted farm raised tilapia. Any opinions? The fish from the Spanish farm Veta La Palma is said to be delicious.

Farm raised catfish is excellent however. HG does it this way: Brief soak in buttermilk. Dredge in flour. Dip in beaten egg. Dredge in black pepper seasoned matzo meal. Fry in a big cast iron pan with plenty of sizzling canola oil. Pass the lemon, Frank’s Hot Sauce and cold beer. HG ate plenty of wild, bottom feeding catfish in Harlem cafes during his college days. Always had a slightly muddy taste effectively masked by super-peppery crust crisped in bacon fat or lard. Today’s catfish has a nice, fresh texture. BSK, once a catfish hater, has been converted.

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§ 2 Responses to Farm Raised Fish."

  • Peter Hellman says:

    In my boyhood, I caught many a catfish in the Potomac River and the C&O Canal. But never have I seen so handsome a specimen as the one in the photo accompanying this article. A noble creature is he (she?).

    Like HG, I share an aversion to farmed fish, given that they surely are eating each others poopoos. Little known fact: Dover Sole3 is now being farmed somewhere over there in northern waters…..

  • Gerry says:

    The photo is of a noble (and farmed!) African Catfish known for its tender flesh and intelligent eyes.

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