Perfect name: Little Chunky. This was a chunk (thus the name) of silver foil-covered milk chocolate (some nuts in the sweet treat). HG thought it better than Hershey or Nestle bars . Right up there with Goldenberg’s Peanut Chews. It was on the counter of every New York candy store. Then it disappeared. Has anyone seen the little guy? Little Chunky is missed.
Best Candy Treat. Gone. But, Not Forgotten.
February 4th, 2011 § 2 comments
While the Chunky no longer stands in forefront of candy bars, it has not disappeared. A variety of on-line sources exist to fulfill your chunkiest desires. I.E.
Sorry Jeremy, but the ‘real’ Chunky candy stopped around 1984. Nestl? ruined the candy by substituting ingredients, because they were greedy and changed it forever.
The original Chunky had cashews, brazil nuts and raisins