The Feeding of Beautiful Sharon. Part Two (Canada).

January 15th, 2011 § 0 comments

Beautiful Sharon spent some of her earliest years with her English emigre grandparents in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada. Every Sunday, she had a very traditional dinner served at 4PM, the same hour Freeman Family enjoyed Sunday Dinner in The Bronx. The Grandmother and Grandfather Kent menu: Juicy, rare roast beef au jus. Creamy mashed potatoes. Yorkshire pudding. Overdone brussels sprouts or carrots and peas. Dessert: Plum pudding well soaked in brandy and topped with hard sauce. There was fiery English mustard and freshly grated horseradish on the table. Pre-dinner ceremony:  Sharon’s grandfather vigorously sharpened his horn handled carving knife  (Fortunately, Sharon has inherited this knife and the accompanying fork and has put it to good use). Post-meal ceremony: A leisurely drive along the St. Clair River. Confession: HG is envious and wants to eat that dinner. Beautiful Sharon has never prepared it, not even once, in 48 years of (otherwise) marital bliss.  Oh well, a London visit is scheduled in the near future.

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