Kool Kraut. The BSK Way.

January 30th, 2011 § 2 comments

Sauerkraut isn’t used enough, in HG’s opinion.  Most folks only eat it when it’s on top of a ball park hot dog.  That acid, briny, sour stuff is okay on top of the frank.  But, that’s not the whole kraut story.  It’s the ideal companion of pork chops, pork roasts, kielbasa and every type of sausage  (especially knockwurst and weisswurst).  But, do sauerkraut the BSK way.  BSK washes the brine off the kraut  (Bubbie’s is a good brand but most canned kraut will work) and cooks it with white wine, sliced onions, slices of apple and a splash of olive oil.  Some caraway seeds if they’re in the pantry. Not essential.  Flank the kraut with pork chops  (Trader Joe has the best), boiled or home fried potatoes.  Hot mustard and Bubbie’s pickles on the table. Beer.  Winter comfort food…and if the weather reports are right, you New Yorkers and Northeasterners need plenty of comfort.

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