When HG is Named Food Dictator…

March 11th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

When HG is declared, by universal acclaim, Food Dictator of the USA, every Pizza Hut, McDonald’s, Arby’s, Taco Bell, etc. will be demolished.The only food chain left standing will be Chipotle: Fairly healthy, reasonably pleasant environment and their carnitas are pretty exceptional. All other fast fooderies are horror shows. Vicious food caricatures. What would replace them under the HG regime? Indian food (samosas, tandoori breads and curries). Souvlaki, Kebab, Shawirma and Felafel pita with tzatsiki, lettuce, onions and hot sauce is good and fast eating. Dim sum (Yes, making dim sum fresh is preferable but HG encountered lots of frozen dim sum in Vancouver, B.C. and it was very tasty). Hot dogs. (Yes, good quality, beef hot dogs with sauerkraut or Chicago style or covered in spicy chili or melted cheddar or Joisey style with fried onions, potatoes and peppers). Borscht. Schav — ice cold sorrel soup. Piroshkki, those flaky, meat filled Russian pastries, boiled potatoes and sour cream). Yes, that’s a bit of a stretch. But, while HG is fantasizing — how about a chain called Yiddishe Mama? It would serve only blintzes, knishes and guilt.

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