Paris: Day Four (Dinner At Home)

January 7th, 2014 § 1 comment § permalink

Off to market day on nearby Boulevard des Batignolles. Picked up cheese, charcuterie, fresh pasta, salad greens, olives, two types of tapenade (black olive and green olive). BSK tucked a long baguette from the corner bakery under her arm. Casual dinner at home (Beautiful Granddaughter Sofia slightly ill). Ate the market’s delicious offerings, drank red Corbieres and then were off to nearby Pathe Wepler to see Le Loup (Wolf) de Wall Street. Basically, Goodfellas translated to the hysterical penny stock market of the 1980’s. Bad boys acting badly. Lots of nudity featuring young ladies with surgical enhancements. Martin Scorcese’s manic and creative directorial energy infuses the film and makes it worthwhile. For HG however, the mad, macho life of drugs and hookers did not seem very appetizing.


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