What Price Health?

April 15th, 2011 § 1 comment § permalink

Uncharacteristically, HG wandered into a healthy, Vegan restaurant yesterday. Off on a tedious errand and it was the only place around. Had a nice meal of green sludge, orange sludge and orange/green sludge. Never mind that this bland pap was supposed to be Saag Paneer, Spiced Root Vegetables and a Tofu-Pumpkin thing — it was terrible. Never again. Life is too short and there are too many good things out there.

The imponderable: Why is this type of healthy, ecologically responsible, spiritual food so tasteless? Why does it show so little respect to the preparation of vegetables? How is it that foods such as Vietnamese or Southern Indian can be so healthy, yet so vibrant, so DELICIOUS?

Saving grace of the restaurant (which HG will leave nameless) is the clientele. Mainly graceful, lovely women of all ages happily scoffing down the sludge.

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