Schnacking on Schnecken

July 2nd, 2013 § 0 comments § permalink

HG is hunt-and-pecking on the HG MacBook with sticky fingers. That’s because HG is happily devouring his second plate of Schnecken with HG’s morning cafe au lait. You may not be familiar with Schnecken and
that is your misfortune. They are little pastries, an Eastern European version of the cinnamon roll (but not as sweet) and the Danish (but smaller and not as buttery). Much in common with the more familiar Rugelach (but lighter and better). The literal translation of Schnecken is “snails.” That’s because the sour cream dough is rolled into snail like spirals. These spirals contain chopped walnuts and sweet spicing. Schnecken are glazed and crisp. In H.L.Mencken’s phrase, “They add to the gaiety of nations.” And why is HG devouring Schnecken on Prince Edward Island, a most unlikely venue? The answer is SCH, Peter H.’s very original wife. Besides possessing a Ph. D. in economics, SCH possesses the scientific skills necessary to produce great baked goods. SCH determined that she would bake Schnecken during her visit with HG/BSK on PEI. Most people would not want to labor over an oven on a summer day. Not SCH. The skilled woman liked the idea of spending time in the HG/BSK kitchen with its endless views of sea, sky and greenery. Weather cooperated by being unseasonably cool. A Schnecken festival for everyone — HG/BSK; Peter H.; guests Nir B. and Wendy W. Thank you, SCH…and, yes, HG will have another!


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