Iceberg: The Black Sheep of the Lettuce Family

March 11th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

The unintended consequence of the micro-green revolution that has landed a Mesculun salad mix in produce sections across America is that Iceberg lettuce has become reviled as tasteless; detractors call it edible packing material with nary a trace of nutritional benefit. HG thinks this is an unfair overstatement. Iceberg can be good in a variety of ways. HG likes it shredded over spicy chili stew or posole (with chopped onion, sliced avocado and Mexican oregano). It is the indispensable crunchy ingredient in a BLT sandwich. Iceberg leaves are very useful in scooping up many Chinese stir fries. And, a quartered head of Iceberg covered in a chunky blue cheese (Maytag, please) or roquefort dressing, can be a very pleasing companion to a rare, pan broiled steak.

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