Holiday Feasting (Day Thirteen)

January 7th, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

HG’s final day of East Coast holiday feasting turned out to also be one of travel. Bus from Providence to Boston Logan Airport (via the very efficient Peter Pan line). Some six 1/2 hours of flight (with a 45 minute layover in Denver) on Southwest, the consumer friendly airline that does try to make flying a pleasant experience. HG/BSK continued to have nice airport dining experiences. Breakfast at Vineyard Grille in Boston consisted of gently soft scrambled eggs (as requested) with bacon in a garlic scented tortilla wrap. An abundant side of a crisp potatoes akin to a Tater Tot. Plentiful coffee and attentive service. Gave HG/BSK sufficient sustenance for the lengthy voyage ahead. However, HG/BSK did regret the timing. For some years HG/BSK would always have an oyster, clam chowder, fried squid feast at the Legal Seafoods airport location. Had to pass on it this time. Arrived at the HG/BSK New Mexico home in chilly 15 degree weather. Toby, The Wonder Dog, greeted the duo with ecstatic affection. The two lovely and talented women, Vicki B. and Sarah N., who occupy the home when HG/BSK travel or vacation, left some treats to welcome the home comers. Posole (vegetarian version by vegetarian Vicki and meaty, pork version by carnivore Sarah) had mucho heat and lots of New Mexican flavors. There were also nut bars baked by Vicki (spectacular). HG/BSK drank a fine Chilean red wine, wished each other a happy and healthy 2015. Nestled in their comfy bed. Home sweet home, indeed.


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