Telling the Story

November 11th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

Basking in post-election euphoria, HG celebrated the HG birthday (Nov. 9) by tucking into some rare lamb chops, fingerling potatoes, sauteed Shishito peppers and grilled baby eggplant. A mighty feast heightened by a super-robust bottle of Amarone. Warmed by the many birthday greetings from friends and family, HG sipped an after dinner port and contemplated how rapidly Karl Rove has morphed from Evil Genius to Silly Windbag. Karl, who seems to have blown some $400 million of other people’s dough, is now telling the story. Examples of The Story: Romney lost because Obama maligned Romney’s business career at Bain. Romney would have won but Hurricane Sandy blunted his momentum. Etc, etc., ad nauseum. What does HG mean by telling the story ? Back in the distant past, HG was a Broadway press agent. When HG failed to get a client the amount of publicity the client believed he or she deserved, HG always had an excuse: It was Lent (or Passover). Rainy weather. Heat wave. Snow. Big murder case dominating the news. All media attention was focused on a championship prize fight. Among HG’s fellow press agents, this was known as telling the story. HG was a creative master. Rove is a maladroit amateur.

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