To Market, To Market, To Buy A Fat Pig. Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

September 26th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

No, a fat pig was not available at the Santa Fe Farmers’ Market. However, an adorable goat was tethered at one produce stand and was the recipient of many pats from little kids who demanded: “Mom, Mom, can I have a pet goat?” Lots of music at the Market including a first: A very good string quartet doing Bach and Mozart tuneful justice. Many handsome, tanned people having a good time. So, what did HG buy ? Shishito peppers. (HG will do a separate post on this tasty vegetable). Haricots verde (they will accompany grilled lamb chops tonight). Tiny eggplants (these little ones have more flavor than the water logged big ones). Baby turnips (sliced raw and sprinkled with olive oil and sea salt are better than radishes). Frisee (looking forward to a traditional Paris bistro salad containing bacon and a poached egg). Garden lettuce. Fingerling potatoes (really teeny tiny and at their best when given a quick fry with olive oil and herbs). Escarole (there will be an Italian escarole and bean soup on BSK’s menu). Two artisan goat cheese spreads — one with garlic and one with dill. Needles to say, everything at the market was organic, local and super fresh. HG and BSK’s culinary future is looking good.

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