Entenmann’s: The Father of all Temptation

June 10th, 2012 § 3 comments § permalink

HG is a man of iron will: Satan, get thee behind me!! That is the HG motto when temptation tempts. But, when HG is confronted with Entenmann’s Chocolate Donuts in the super market, HG may shake his fist, HG may call upon the gods, but resistance to the Entenmann’s temptation is for naught. Get the point? Yes, HG loves those donuts and in HG’s younger years HG would knock off a box (accompanied by glasses of cold milk) as a bedtime treat. We are in the midst of National Donut Week and Freeman Public Relations (successor to HG’s old firm, now headed by the brilliant Bruce Maguire) is making sure that Entenmann’s is getting the attention it deserves.

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