State Of Maine

June 21st, 2015 § 0 comments § permalink

HG/BSK (accompanied by Toby, The Wonder Dog), will soon be motoring through Maine, on the way to HG/BSK’s oceanfront home in the green, blessed, gentle paradise known as Prince Edward Island. HG has packed plenty of oyster knives, clam knives and protective gloves. Lots of shucking is anticipated as HG/BSK will bring bivalve deprivation to Johnny Flynn’s Colville Bay oysters and By the Bay Fish Mart quahogs. There will be some obligatory food stops in Maine. Bob’s Clam Hut in Kittery (in business since 1956) is the ultimate in clam shacks. Unsurpassed fried clams, oysters, scallops and fish. Great potato fries and onion rings. Home made sauces (chipotle mayo is an HG fave). Huge lobster rolls. Very busy but very efficient. Calvin Trillin, the wonderful writer, always stopped there on his way to and from his Nova Scotia vacation home. In Bangor, HG/BSK will dine at Zen Asian Bistro, a restaurant that offers Thai, Japanese and Vietnamese specialties. HG/BSK have never tried it but the menu looks good. HG is very fond of Bangor. It was the home of relatives (HG’s Mom’s side): The Cohens, Nyers and Alperts. These immigrant Jews, a number of whom trekked across Russia from Belorussia during World War One, somehow wound up in this gritty town when it was the center of the lumber industry. They made a big contribution to Bangor. One son became a distinguished district attorney. Another founded the Maine ski industry and was named Maine’s “Businessman of the Year.” And, one of the original immigrants (two years old when he arrived in Bangor), was diminutive (just five-feet-two) but brave, skilled and courageous. He was the captain of a merchant marine ship during World War Two and led his ship safely through mines and German submarines to deliver needed war material to Britain. During the late 1920’s (just before little HG arrived), HG’s family would travel to Bangor for their summer vacation. They swam in the sea off Bar Harbor. When HG’s Mom would describe the temperature of the water, she would shiver dramatically and make loud B-r–r-r!! sounds.


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